During the experiment a dextral shear sense was imposed on the sample
and soon after deformation started, needle shaped paraffin-grains
developed a preferred grain shaped orientation (s1)
(Figure 7 or
Movie 2
). The preferred grain shape orientation relative
to the shear zone boundary was not constant. On the left side
of movie 2 the grain shape fabric was inclined
at a constant angle,
while on the right hand side the grains built a concave structure in
the annular shear zone. This indicates that deformation on the left
hand side includes a shortening component perpendicularly to the shear
zone boundary.
Along the inner grip strongly elongated grains are common,
oriented oblique to the shear zone boundary.
Finite strain was not homogeneously distributed over
the sample and increased towards the inner grip.
Locally, along the outer grip in a domain (H) with elongated grains,
a fabric change is visible
(Movie 2)
with an indication of dextral shear sense. This domain of higher
strain gradually widens during the experiment. A hole on left side
of the sample closed during the experiment.(Figure 8)