HT-LS Textural Evolution

As a consequence of sample preparation, the C-axes  of the initial texture concentrate around the Y-fabric direction.

At the end of the first transient stage (0<g<1.5) a c-axis cross girdle develops which is symmetrically disposed with respect to the long axis of the finite strain ellipse (see rotating black line outside the pole figure).

During the second transient stage (1.5<g<6) the former c-axis cross girdle reduces to an oblique c-axis single girdle.  With  strain,  c-axis  concentra-
tion at the periphery of the pole figure strengthens resulting in the formation of two c-axis  point maxima.

The positions and intensity of the two c-axis point maxima are strain invariant at steady state (g>6).

The formation of these strong textures indicates that dislocation creep is the main deformation mechanism which is active during the entire experiment.