Experimentally deformed quartz aggregates


Figure caption

Experimentally deformed quartz aggregates


starting materials / semi-brittle & regime 1 / regime 2 / regime 2 & 3 / annealing




HQ, shortened 50% at 700°C, 10-5/sec and 1200 MPa, in the semi-brittle flow regime

The temperature is too low for either dislocation climb or grain boundary bulging recrystallization. Gliding dislocations rapidly tangle, creating high density tangles and thus strain hardening. Eventually the stress becomes high enough to nucleate cracks. The combination of distributed dislocations plus microcracks produces extremely strong and patchy undulatory extinction in most grains. In addition many grains develop multiple grain-scale faults, marked by strong narrow deformation bands and grain boundary offsets. (CQ10)