Naturally deformed quartzo-feldspathic rocks


Figure caption

Naturally deformed quartzo-feldspathic rocks


weak deformation (Mulwaree) / strong deformation (Mulwaree) / mylonites (Redbank) / ultramylonites (Redbank)




Quartzo-feldspathic mylonite developed at greenschist conditions; feldspar deformed by regime 1 dislocation creep, quartz by regime 2 dislocation creep.

Quartzo-feldspathic mylonite from the Redbank shear zone, showing the layering of quartz ribbons (regime 2 dislocation creep) and of small recrystallized or neo-mineralized feldspar grains. The new feldspar grains are concentrated in the pressure shadows of large porphyroclasts and strung out to form the mylonitic foliation. (495-10A)