Naturally deformed quartzo-feldspathic rocks


Figure caption

Naturally deformed quartzo-feldspathic rocks


weak deformation (Mulwaree) / strong deformation (Mulwaree) / mylonites (Redbank) / ultramylonites (Redbank)




Quartzo-feldspathic ultramylonite; feldspar porphyroclast has asymmetrical tails as well as white mica concentrations.

Ultramylonite from the same rock illustrated in photo #83. Several K-feldspar porphyroclasts in a fine-grained matrix of quartz-mica-feldspar. Asymmetric tails of recrystallized or neo-mineralized feldspar as well as asymmetric concentrations of white mica on the NW and SE sides of the grains indicate top-to-the-right shear. (599 A)