Deformation and metamorphic reactions in polyphase rocks


Further reading


Deformation and metamorphic reactions


granodiorites / anorthosites





Fitz Gerald, J.D. and Stunitz, H., 1993, Deformation of granitoids at low metamorphic grade. I. Reactions and grain size reduction. Tectonophys., 221, 269-297.

Kruse, R., and Stunitz, H., 1999, Deformation mechanisms and phase distribution in mafic high-temperature mylonites from the Jotun Nappe, southern Norway. Tectonophys., 303, 223-249.

Stunitz, H. and Tullis, J., Weakening and strain localization produced by syndeformational reaction of plagioclase. In press, Geol. Rundsch.

Stunitz, H., 1993, Transition from fracturing to viscous flow in a naturally deformed metagabbro. in Defects and Processes in the Solid State: Geoscience Applications, J.N. Boland and J.D. Fitz Gerald, eds., Elsevier, Amsterdam, 121-150.

Stunitz, H. and Fitz Gerald, J.D., 1993, Deformation of granitoids at low metamorphic grades. II. Granular flow in albite-rich mylonites. Tectonophys., 221, 299-324.

Stunitz, H., 1998, Syn-deformational recrystallization - dynamic or compositionally induced? Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 131, 219-236.