Reference list










Dunlap, W.J., Hirth, G. and Teyssier, C., 1997, Thermomechanical evolution of a ductile duplex. Tectonics, 16, 983-1000.

Hirth, G., and Tullis, J., 1992, Dislocation creep regimes in quartz aggregates: Jour. Struc. Geol., 14, 145-160.

Snoke, A.W. and Tullis, J., 1998, An overview of fault rocks. in Fault-Related Rocks: A Photographic Atlas, A. Snoke, J. Tullis & V. Todd, eds., Princeton Univ. Press, 3-18.


Experimentally deformed quartz aggregates

Dell'Angelo, L.N. and Tullis, J., 1989, Fabric development in experimentally sheared quartzites. Tectonophys., 169, 1-21.

Gleason, G.C., Tullis, J. and Heidelbach, F.M., 1993, The role of dynamic recrystallization in the development of lattice preferred orientations in experimentally deformed quartz aggregates. Jour. Struc. Geol., 15, 1145-1168.

Hirth, G. and Tullis, J., 1994, The nature of the brittle to plastic transition in quartz aggregates. Jour. Geophys. Res., 99, 11731-11748.

Hirth, G., and Tullis, J., 1992, Dislocation creep regimes in quartz aggregates: Jour. Struc. Geol., 14, 145-160.

Tullis, J. and Gleason, G., 1998, Effects of static annealing on experimentally deformed quartzite and aplite, in Fault-Related Rocks: A Photographic Atlas. A. Snoke, J. Tullis & V. Todd, eds., Princeton Univ. Press, 462-463.


Naturally deformed quartz-rich rocks

Dunlap, W.J., Hirth, G. and Teyssier, C., 1997, Thermomechanical evolution of a ductile duplex. Tectonics, 16, 983-1000.

Hirth, G., Teyssier, C. and Dunlap, W.J., An evaluation of quartzite flow laws based on comparisons between experimentally and naturally deformed rocks, In press, Geol. Rundsch.

van Daalen, M., Heilbronner, R. & Kunze, K. 1999. Orientation analysis of localized shear deformation in quartz fibres at the brittle-ductile transition. Tectonophysics 303, 83-108.

Pauli, C., Schmid, S. M. & Panozzo Heilbronner, R. 1996. Fabric domains in quartz mylonites: localized three dimensional analysis of microstructure and texture. J. Structural Geology 18, 1183-1203.


Experimentally deformed feldspar aggregates

Post, A.D. and Tullis, J., 1999, A recrystallized grain size piezometer for experimentally deformed feldspar aggregates. Tectonophys., 303, 159-173.

Tullis, J. and Yund, R.A., 1987, Transition from cataclastic flow to dislocation creep of feldspar: mechanisms and microstructures: Geology, 15, 606-609.

Tullis, J., and Yund, R.A., 1992, The brittle-ductile transition in feldspar aggregates: an experimental study: in, Fault Mechanics and Transport Properties of Rocks, B. Evans & T.-f. Wong, eds., Academic Press, NY, 89-118.

Tullis, J. and Yund, R.A., 1985, Dynamic recrystallization of feldspar: a mechanism for ductile shear zone formation: Geology, 13, 238-241.

Tullis, J., Dell'Angelo, L.N., and Yund, R.A., 1990, Ductile shear zones from brittle precursors in feldspathic rocks; the possible role of dynamic recrystallization: in The Brittle-Ductile Transition: The Heard Volume, A. Duba, W. Durham, J. Handin, and H. Wang, eds., , Amer. Geophys. Union Monograph 56, 67-82.

Yund, R.A., and Tullis, J., 1991, Compositional changes of minerals associated with dynamic recrystallization. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 108, 346-355.


Naturally deformed feldspar rocks

Kruse, R., and Stunitz, H., 1999, Deformation mechanisms and phase distribution in mafic high-temperature mylonites from the Jotun Nappe, southern Norway. Tectonophys., 303, 223-249.

Stunitz, H., 1998, Syn-deformational recrystallization - dynamic or compositionally induced? Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 131, 219-236.


Experimentally deformed quartzo-feldspathic rocks

Dell'Angelo, L.N. and Tullis, J., 1996, Textural and mechanical evolution with progressive strain in experimentally deformed aplite. Tectonophysics, 256, 57-82.

Tullis, J., Dell'Angelo, L.N., and Yund, R.A., 1990, Ductile shear zones from brittle precursors in feldspathic rocks; the possible role of dynamic recrystallization: in The Brittle-Ductile Transition: The Heard Volume, A. Duba, W. Durham, J. Handin, and H. Wang, eds., Amer. Geophys. Union Monograph 56, 67-82.

Tullis, J. and Gleason, G., 1998, Effects of static annealing on experimentally deformed quartzite and aplite, in Fault-Related Rocks: A Photographic Atlas. A. Snoke, J. Tullis & V. Todd, eds., Princeton Univ. Press, 462-463.

Dell'Angelo, L.N. and Tullis, J., 1988, An experimental study of the effect of partial melt on granitic aggregates deformed at high pressures and temperatures: Jour. Met. Geol., 6, 495-516.


Experimentally deformed pyroxenite and diabase

Tullis, T.E., Horowitz, F.E. and Tullis, J., 1991, Flow laws of polyphase aggregates from end member flow laws. Jour. Geophys. Res., 96, 8081-8096.

Kronenberg, A.K. and Shelton., G.S., 1980, Deformation microstructures in experimentally deformed Maryland diabase. Jour. Struc. Geol., 2, 341-353.


Deformation and metamorphic reactions in polyphase rocks

Fitz Gerald, J.D. and Stunitz, H., 1993, Deformation of granitoids at low metamorphic grade. I. Reactions and grain size reduction. Tectonophys., 221, 269-297.

Kruse, R., and Stunitz, H., 1999, Deformation mechanisms and phase distribution in mafic high-temperature mylonites from the Jotun Nappe, southern Norway. Tectonophys., 303, 223-249.

Stunitz, H. and Tullis, J., Weakening and strain localization produced by syndeformational reaction of plagioclase. In press, Geol. Rundsch.

Stunitz, H., 1993, Transition from fracturing to viscous flow in a naturally deformed metagabbro. in Defects and Processes in the Solid State: Geoscience Applications, J.N. Boland and J.D. Fitz Gerald, eds., Elsevier, Amsterdam, 121-150.

Stunitz, H. and Fitz Gerald, J.D., 1993, Deformation of granitoids at low metamorphic grades. II. Granular flow in albite-rich mylonites. Tectonophys., 221, 299-324.

Stunitz, H., 1998, Syn-deformational recrystallization - dynamic or compositionally induced? Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 131, 219-236.