FLOW IN POLYCRYSTALLINE ICE Part 2 - Background information By Chris Wilson and Brett Marmo |
2.16 Tertiary Creep Duval et al. (1983) have demonstrated that the acceleration of creep in polycrystalline ice is at least partially due to the formation of microcracks within polycrystalline ice. The microcracks are about equal to the grain size and their density increase with strain. The initiation and movement across microcracks results in additional stresses on uncracked crystals which produces localised internal stress variations. Duval et al. (1983) also showed that a sample deformed at 1.86 MPa had a steady increase in microcrack initiation that resulted in a concurrent increase in strain rate, while a sample that was deformed under 1 MPa increased in strain rate without any observed cracking which indicates that microcracking is not the only process that produces tertiary creep. Dynamic recrystallisation also contributes to tertiary creep. Recrystallisation induces the development of a preferential c-axis orientation in ice that deforms close to its melting point which results in strain softening and an increase in strain rate. Dynamic recrystallisation occurs as a discontinuous process. At a certain critical strain a wave of recrystallisation will occur and pass through the deforming ice. This is well documented in metals where it occurs at ~20%, whereas within ice it typically occurs at ~1% (Duval et al. 1983). For a given kind of deformation
the ratio of the strain rate for steady-state tertiary creep |