MOVIES created with FRINGE GROWTH 1.3
In the shown examples coaxial deformation was modelled using straight object-centre paths and non-coaxial deformation using curved object-centre paths. The examples showing non-coaxial deformation are NOT based on any known parameters of rotation rates of fringes and core-objects relative to ISA. Thus the rotation rates shown are arbitrarily chosen in order to illustrate which fibre patterns develop if rotation occurs.
Movie 1: Simulation of fibre growth in antitaxial strain fringes around a smooth round core-object during pure shear. ISA are fixed in the external reference frame (computer screen). All the fibres grow face-controlled.
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Movie 2: Simulation of fibre growth in antitaxial strain fringes around a smooth square core-object during pure shear. ISA are fixed in the external reference frame (computer screen). Fibres grow face-controlled. A suture line develops towards the corner of the square.
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Movie 3: Simulation of fibre growth in antitaxial strain fringes around a rough round core-object during pure shear. ISA are fixed in the external reference frame (computer screen). The fibres grow face- and displacement-controlled.
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Movie 4: Simulation of fibre growh in antitaxial strain fringes around a smooth round core-object during a deformation similar to simple shear. ISA are fixed in the external reference frame (computer screen). The fringes and the core-object rotate with respect to this reference frame.
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Movie 5: Simulation of fibre growh in antitaxial strain fringes around a rough round core-object during a deformation similar to simple shear. ISA are fixed in the external reference frame (computer screen). The fringes and the core-object rotate with respect to this reference frame and the core-object is also rotating with respect to the fringes.
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Movie 6 and movie 7: Both movies show the same simulation of fibre growth around a square smooth core-object during a deformation similar to simple shear. Movie 6 shows the same settings that are used in the computer program (Fringe Growth). In the program the fringes are fixed in the computer's reference frame but ISA and the core-object are rotating with respect to this reference frame. Movie 7 shows the same simulation with ISA fixed in the conmputer's reference frame and the fringes and the core-object rotating with respect to this reference frame.
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Movie 8: Simulation of fibre growh in antitaxial strain fringes around a complex object during polyphase deformation. The orientation of ISA changes suddenly with respect to the computer's reference frame.
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Movie 9: Simulation of fibre growh in antitaxial strain fringes around a complex object during a deformation similar to simple shear. ISA are fixed in the external reference frame (computer screen) but the fringes and the core-object are rotating with respect to this reference frame and the core-object is also rotating with respect to the fringes.
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