The Tectonics & Metallogenesis of NE South America
Feb 19-20th 2019, Paramaribo, Suriname
The AMIRA International’s P1061A “South American Exploration Initiative (SAXI): The tectonics, architecture and metallogeny of the Proterozoic of northeast South America” project partnered with the Inter-Guiana Conference Series to run a two-day conference attended by 180 people in Paramaribo, Suriname. The conference was attended by a vibrant mix of academics, industry personnel, geological survey staff and a strong contingent of students. This conference highlighted recent research and continuing knowledge gaps in our understanding of the tectonics and metallogenesis of North-Eastern South America.

Conference Proceedings ready for download (190 MB)
Lower resolution copy of Conference Proceedings (22MB)
Surinamese news articles on the conference (the first link has a speech in English from the Surinamese Minister of Natural Resources)
Apintie TV News Report DWT Online DB Suriname GFC News English Translations
Presentations for download will be made available below for many talks and posters after light editing. The following link provides a single file with all uploaded presentations (200 MB). Available presentations Low Resolution version of all available presentations (90 MB) Lower Resolution Available presentations
Anandbahadoer-Mahabier, R., de Roever, E.W.F. The Caicara-Dalbana Belt, a Belt of Felsic and Intermediate Metavolcanics of 1.99 Ga in the Guiana Shield, and Probably Across, in the Guapore Shield
Baratoux, D. A multi-scale roughness map of the Guiana shield
Baratoux, L., Jessell, M.W., Ernst R.E. Mapping and correlation of West African and South American mafic dykes
Bardoux, M. Gold settings of the Guiana Shield (Keynote)
Beek and van Bergen. Basalt-hosted gold in the Paleoproterozoic Marowijne greenstone belt (Suriname): first insights into volcanic setting and alteration style of the Saramacca deposit
Berni, G.V., Parente, C.V. , Lobato, L.M., de Sampaio, C.C.F.T., Hagemann, S.G. Metallogeny of Copper, Gold and Iron in the Borborema Province
Bertoni, C. and the Dorlin Project Team The Nivré gold deposit, Dorlin Project, French Guiana
Combes, V. Eglinger, A., André Mayer, A.-S., Scheffer, C., Gibert, P., Heuret, A. Polyphase gold mineralization at the Yaou deposit, French Guiana
de Boorder, H. The La Trampa wedge (SE Colombia) revisited
de Kemp, E.A. Complex 3D Integration for Mineral Exploration
Fraga, M.L., Cordani, U. Early Orosirian tectonic evolution of the Central Guiana Shield: insights from new U-Pb SHRIMP and LA-ICP-MS data
Gersie, K., van Balen, R.T. The influence of climate and long term sea level change on terrace formation and preservation at the downstream part of the Suriname River, Suriname.
Heesterman, L. Guyana, unresolved geological questions
Heesterman, L. Stratigraphy of Guyana Greenstone Belts
Jessell, M. Overview of the SAXI program
Jessell, M.W. and the WAXI Team The West African Exploration Initiative
Klein, E. Metallogenic evolution of the Guiana Shield in Brazil (Keynote)
Kriegsman, L., Mason, P.R.D., Kroonenberg, S. Zircon U-Pb geochronology by LA-ICP-MS in the Marowijne Greenstone Belt, Suriname: methodology & preliminary results
Kroonenberg, S. Quaternary climate change and its importance for gold exploration
La Cruz, N. L., Simon, A.C., Harden, M. Magnetite geochemistry as a tool for exploration in Guyana
Mason, P. Greenstone Belt Geochemistry: A window into early Earth processes and resources
Monsels, D. Bauxite formation on Proterozoic basement and Tertiary sediments in Suriname
Spencer, J. Late Quaternary geochronology of detrital gold
Thebaud, N., Davis, J., Miller, J. Regional lithostratigraphic record as a proxy for mineral systems of the South West African Craton
Valette, M., De Souza, S., Mercier-Langevin, P., Côté-Mantha, A.C.O., Simard, M., McNicoll, V. Tectono-metamorphic and hydrothermal evolution of the world-class Amaruq BIF-associated gold deposit, Churchill Province, Canada