Lecture 5A- Deformation by transfer of dissolved material
Deformation can be achieved by removing material from some sites and bringing it to other sites. At length scales below the transport scale, there are sites of volume increase and volume decrease, whereas other sites remain undeformed.
Several (micro-) structures resulting from material transport due to applied stresses:
(a) Compaction of a porous rock with material dissolving at grain contacts and precipitating as cement in pores.
(b) Preferential dissolution at grain contacts that are normal to compression and re-precipitation at grain contacts that are normal to extension leads to deformation. Original grain shapes can often be discerned by differences in inclusion content of original grains and overgrowths and/or by dust rims.
(c) Preferred dissolution of quartz at quartz-mica contacts. A dust rim reveals the original grain shape.
(d) Localised dissolution (net material loss) at strain cap and localised precipitation (net material gain) at strain shadow or pressure shadow around a relatively rigid object or grain (e.g. pyrite, feldspar or quartz augen).
(e) Precipitation in veins and dissolution at stylolites. Material transport can be from stylolites to veins, or into / out off the system.
(f) Segregation of quartz and mica's forming
domainal cleavage.
- Fluid reservoirs
A fluid is needed to transport dissolved material. Only at very high temperature can diffusional transport without a fluid be significant. Fluid can be present in a variety of different sites (reservoirs) in a rock.
1. In open cracks (> cm scale). Open fluid-filled cracks can exist at deeper levels despite the high pressure if the fluid pressure is high enough. However, open cracks greatly enhance the permeability of a rock, allowing fluids to flow and decrease the fluid pressure. There must be a dynamic equilibrium between opening of cracks (increase in permeability, decrease in fluid pressure) and closure of cracks (decrease in permeability, allowing build-up of fluid pressure).
2. Open pore space between grains. Sediments
at shallow depths typically have a high porosity, which decreases with
burial. At deeper levels the geometry of the pore space depends on the
balance between grain-grain boundary surface energy and grain-fluid boundary
surface energy: the wetting angle. The wetting angle (a) determines
the shape of the pore space: (b) at a high wetting angle fluids
reside in pockets where 4 grains meet; (c) at a medium wetting angle
in tubes where 3 grain meet and (d) at a low (0°) wetting angle
all grain boundaries are wetted. It seems that in general fluids tend to
reside in pockets or tubes.
3. micro-cracks.
Typical length <0.1 mm, width/length<0.01. Short-lived and dynamic
structures due to rapid propagation (stress corrosion cracking), due to
stress concentration at crack tip (a), and rapid healing, due to
surface energy effects (b), possibly resulting in fluid inclusions.
4. Grain boundaries. The nature of grain boundaries is very important, since fluids here actually come in contact with all grains. Two general models for grain boundaries:
(a) Thin film model:
(b) Island-and-channel model:
5. Inside the crystal, incorporated in the lattice (only a small amount) and in fluid inclusions.
Dissolution precipitation creep
Dissolution-precipitation creep is a deformation mechanism that involves three serial steps. The slowest of these three steps is the rate controlling step.
(a) Dissolution reaction at (relatively) high normal stress grain boundaries
(b) Diffusional transport along chemical potential (m) gradient in grain boundary fluid
(c) Precipitation reaction at (relatively) low normal stress grain boundaries.
DP creep is the dominant ductile deformation mechanism
at low temperatures in wet rocks (<= greenschist facies), where other
mechanisms, such as dislocation creep are slow. Provided there is a suitable
fluid, it may also be important at higher temperatures.
- Driving force
Diffusional transport and the interfacial reactions are driven by a stress induced chemical potential differences along the grain boundaries (->diffusion) and across the interfaces (->reaction). The equilibrium chemical potential (m) of a solid dissolved in a fluid adjacent to the surface of the solid can be described as:
- Diffusions is rate controlling
The whole of Dm is used to drive the diffusion, if precipitation and dissolution are relatively fast. The flux (J) through the GB-fluid is proportional to the concentration gradient along the grain boundary, which is proportional to Dm and inversely proportional to the grain size (g):
-Reaction is rate controlling
The whole of Dm is used to drive the interfacial reactions, if precipitation and dissolution are relatively slow compared to diffusional transport. The rate (w) of precipitation and dissolution are (normally) proportional to the chemical potential difference across the interface:
- Material transfer on larger length scales (veins, stylolites, around objects)
Deformation induced material transfer can also occur on length scales larger than one grain. Since the 'effective grain size' would then be much larger, it is clear that the rate of such transfer to produce deformation is low (1/g or 1/g3) compared to grain scale pressure solution creep. As a deformation mechanism, long distance transport is not very important, but it is as a significant process that produces structures in rocks, such as veins, stylolites and cleavages.
Material transfer on large length scales (>>g) occurs when some areas within a rock volume experience a net volume loss and/or other areas a net volume gain. In other words a heterogeneous distribution of precipitation and dissolution.
dissolution consistently outweighs precipitation at a plane, this plane
is a site of net volume loss: a stylolite. Stylolites are often oriented
normal to the maximum compression direction. The material that is removed
can be carried away by diffusion and/or flow of a fluid through the rock.
If precipitation consistently outweighs dissolution at a plane, this plane is a site of net volume gain: a vein. Veins are typically oriented normal to the minimum compression direction, and are then usually called tension gashes. The material that is added can be carried in by diffusion and/or flow of a fluid through the rock.
- Why & where localised precipitation?
a) not controlled by dissolution precipitation creep.
b) localisation of dissolution and/or precipitation coupled to dissolution precipitation creep: development of regular alterations of dissolution & precipitation.
Continue to lecture 5.b: (Micro)
structures in veins