Experimentally deformed quartzo-feldspathic rocks


Figure caption

Experimentally deformed quartzo- feldspathic rocks


starting material & regime1 / regime 2 / annealing & melting




EA shortened and dextrally sheared at 900°C, 10-6/sec, and 1200 MPa; recrystallized grain size of quartz is larger than feldspar.

EA shortened 75% at 900°C, 10-6/sec, 1200 MPa. This view shows a region from near one corner of the sample where there has been dextral shearing around the piston. The feldspar augen form sigma clasts with recrystallized tails, and the quartz grains are flattened ribbons which are partially or completely recrystallized. In some places bands of more coarsely recrystallized quartz are separated by a thin dark seam of very finely recrystallized feldspar. In general, the recrystallized grains produced by grain boundary bulging (feldspar in this sample) are much smaller than those produced by progressive subgrain rotation (quartz in this sample). (W318)