Experimentally deformed quartzo-feldspathic rocks


Regime 2

Experimentally deformed quartzo-feldspathic rocks


starting material & regime1 / regime 2 / annealing & melting


List of microstructures







EA shortened 50% at 900°C, 10-6/sec, and 1200 MPa; quartz regime 2 dislocation creep and feldspars regime 1.



EA shortened 60% at 900°C, 10-6/sec, and 1200 MPa; quartz becoming more interconnected, feldspars less so.



EA shortened 85% at 900°C, 10-6/sec, and 1200 MPa; recrystallized ribbons of quartz, feldspar augen with tails.



EA shortened 40% and dextrally sheared (g = 2.4) at 900°C, 10-5/sec, and 1200 MPa; recrystallized ribbons of quartz, feldspar augen with tails.



EA shortened and dextrally sheared at 900°C, 10-6/sec, and 1200 MPa; recrystallized grain size of quartz is larger than feldspar.



EA pre-faulted at low P and T, then shortened 25% at 900°C, 10-6/sec, and 1200 MPA; high T deformation localized along former fault.