Experimentally deformed quartzo-feldspathic rocks


Figure caption

Experimentally deformed quartzo- feldspathic rocks


starting material & regime1 / regime 2 / annealing & melting




EA pre-faulted at low P and T, then shortened
25% at 900°C, 10-6/sec, and 1200 MPa; high T deformation localized along former fault.

EA pre-faulted at 300°C, 10-4/sec, 400 MPa and then taken to 900°C and 1200 MPA where it was shortened 25% at 10-6/sec. All of the high temperature deformation has been partitioned into the pre-existing fine-grained zone, due to the low temperature bulging recrystallization process in the feldspars. Recrystallization which occurs by subgrain misorientation does not produce strain weakening and thus does not result in preferential ductile shear in pre-existing fine-grained zones, as has been shown in experiments on pre-faulted quartzites. Note the coarser recrystallized grains of quartz adjacent to the shear zone in the bottom half of the photo. (W484)