This sequence shows the affect of varying the fold plunges
direction for a set of open sinusoidal folds in a 200 m thick
layer, with fold axes plunging at 60°.
Notice the variations in field strength between hinges and limbs
in both the gravity and magnetic images, the assymmetry between
limbs in folds which are not plunging due north or south, and the
marked differences between the north and south plunging magnetic
All block diagrams are viewed from SW.
Click on the images to launch Noddy.
A legend is provided at the end of this page.
Notice the strong asymmetry of the magnetic anomaly in north-south sections, and the asymmetry between the anticlines in the north and the synclines in the south.
Notice the symmetry of the magnetic anomaly in north-south sections, but the asymmetry between the anticlines in the north and the synclines in the south for the gravity but not magnetic images.