4.5 Boreholes

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There are now two types of borehole available, an internally generated straight borehole ("Generate") defined within the Geology Options Window, and an imported XYZ specification ("Import").

There are now two types of visualisations for boreholes, which can now be viewed either as well-logs ("Schematic") or as 3D visualisations ("3D").

Schematic Borehole view

3D Borehole View

The Well-log option of previous releases of Noddy is equivalent to the Generated->Schematic menu combination.

Pre-existing borehole positional information may be imported using the Borehole->Import->3D or Borehole->Import->Schematic menu items, which will open any plain ASCII column format data file. You will have the opportunity to specify which columns refer to X, Y and Z. The area of the window below the Parameter Mapping section shows the first few lines of the file to aid in selecting the proper X,Y,Z columns.

Any input row starting with a number will be considred to be data, and any other row will be considered to be a comment.




Parameter Mapping

X Column

Column containing X position data


Y Column

Column containing Y position data


Z Column

Column containing Z position data


X Offset

Offset applied to input X position


Y Offset

Offset applied to input Y position


Z Offset

Offset applied to input Z position