Legend Window
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This window, accessible from the Window menu, provides
background information for all geological and geophysical visualisations,
as well as providing a means of including a company logo within the title
information. The nature of the information varies according to which window
is selected, and includes a variety of information such as the file used
to create the visualisation, the time and date of creation, the current
stereonet, stratigraphic column, look up table and scale bar.
The legend window updates automatically as each window
is selected, and some information, such as the scale bar, are updated each
time a change is made to the associated window (for example changing the
size of a gravity image changes the length of the scale bar).
A company logo may be placed in the top left hand corner
by placing a BMP format image named complogo.bmp in the same directory
as the Noddy exectuable.
Legend window (example shown here for map)