4.15 Movie Options

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Movie Creation

Step 1: You must first have a history of events available for a movie to be created. Generate the sequence of events required to be animated.

Step 2: Select the File > Movie > Create option. Open a file with an appropriate name. The filename .nmv will be appended.

Step 3: Noddy will create a series of BMP files based on the Number of Frames per Event value set in the Edit > Movie Option. The greater the number of frames stored, the smoother the movie, however, the more BMP files there are to be created/loaded and saved. Disk storage should be taken into consideration when creating movie animations.

Movie Loading and Playback

Step 1: To load a movie (.nmv) file, you must initially have a history available. If the File > Movie option is not enabled, simply drag and drop a Base Stratigraphy icon into the History window. The File > Movie option should then be available. Select an appropriate movie file.

Step 2: The amount of time taken for a movie to load will depend on the number of animation elements and BMP files to be re-played. Wait until the movie has accessed all files, and then the first scene of the animation should be displayed.

Step 3: The movie can be played with the following controls:

These animations can be read back in from disk by selecting Load Movie from the File menu.

Movie Options Window





Movie Type:

Type of geological or geophysical visualisation to use for animation


Number of Frames per Event

The number of intermediate frames for each deformation event


Speed of on Screen Replay

The relative speed of on screen replay of the movie