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Northern Hemisphere Edition

This sequence of images show the scope of the models contained in this Atlas.

Clicking on any image brings up the appropriate page showing the full ranges of related models

Depth effects-grav
Depth effects-mag
Section through field
Vector Components
Latitude effects
Causes of asymmetry
Inclination & Declination
Fold profiles
Plunge direction
Fold plunge
Ambiguous folds
Fault styles
Fault dip direction:a
Fault dip direction:b
Fault dip
Fault offsets
Ambiguous plutons
Dyke dip directions
Dyke dip
Faulted Dyke
Faulted Fold
Basin Setting
Block Faults
Fold & Thrusts
Dome & Basins
Refolded Folds
Topographic effects:a
Topographic effects:b
Remanent sphere
Folded Remanence
Folded Anisotropy
Remanent haloes
Alteration effects:a
Alteration effects:a
Geological Modelling Scheme

All models created using Noddy
2001-10-23  Copyright © 1998-2002 AGCRC & Mark Jessell