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Setting up the microscope, the scanner and the computer




In this section, the steps necessary to obtain orientation images by computer-integrated polarization microscopy (CIP) are described.

Technical requirements for CIP:

  • 1 polarization microscope equipped with linear analyzer and polarizer, lambda plate, and two 1/4- lambda plates (for circular polarization). Linear analyzer, polarizer and lambda plate must be fully rotatable (360°)
  • 1 tilt stage (optional, but makes life much easier), manufactured by the Geo-Workshop, Dept. Earth Sciences, University Basel.
  • 1 digital scanner camera, monochromatic, infrared sensitive
  • 1 powerful graphic workstation with sufficient memory

Software requirements for CIP:

need to have:

  • CIP package: for calculation of orientation images and pole figures
  • NIH Image, Scion Image or Adobe Photoshop and Plug In: for image capture
  • Lazy LUT (macro for NIH Image): to manipulate input and output images

nice to have:

  • Lazy stack: NIH Image macro for re-matching of input images

Adobe Photoshop: for postprocessing and editing of orientation images