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The c-axis polefigure


One of the beauties of CIP orientation imaging is that one can easily obtain c-axis pole figures from the azimuth and inclination files. The grey values of those two files are collected into a 2-D histogram, using a class width (or bin size) of 5° by 5° and projected onto a stereoplot. Such a pole figure is area weighted, i.e., volume weighted, and is thus directly comparable to x-ray texture goniometry data.

The statistics are the same as in texture goniometry: if only a few grains are present in a given image, the texture index (i.e., the c-axis maximum) will go up, irrespective of the image size.

By selecting certain regions of interest (according to grain size or given crystallographic directions) one can also obtain partial pole figures.


Left, from top to bottom:

- oblique view of 2-D histogram of azimuth and inclinations

- grey value representation of 2-D histogram of azimuth and inclinations

- stereographic projection of 2-D histogram


- smoothed and contoured stereoplot of c-axis orientations.