Saving input data


Using Stuffit, the raw input data set is compressed and saved. Each input data set is on the order of 30 MB (22 MB when compressed). Long term archiving is best on CDs (650 MB per CD => 30 input data sets per CD)

file names, file name extensions

for easier identification, the files receive standard extensions:

rotation images:

***.000 to ***.180
(for degrees of orientation)

tilt images:

***.EUP, ***.SUP, ***.WUP, ***.NUP
(for East up, South up, West up, North up, respectively)

cirular polarization image



Top | Setting up the microscope and the scanner | Acquiring images | Saving input data | Rematching the stack | First round: CIPD & INVPIMA | Viewing the output of CIPD | Correcting the inclination image | Second round: running CIP2 & INVPIMA | Viewing the output of CIP2 | SUMMARY CIP